Monday 28 December 2009

What do I want?

So What Do I Want?

I don't know. This has been a problem since I was a young child. Apart from wanting to play pro football or ice hockey I have never had any idea of what I wanted to do in life. I never really enjoyed school too much and then went to college for a couple of years afterwards. I joined the 'real' working world when I was 22. I had been working part time in a supermarket before then but in September 2005 I was offered a full time job in an office. I stayed there for three years and then moved onto my current job. This pays the few bills I have but does not satisfy me one bit. Mindless boring monkey work with no end in sight, wishing away Monday to Friday is not how I saw my life ending up. I always thought I would do something cool that I enjoyed and been well off from it. Money is not everything I know (well I am told, but without much of it it's hard to agree) but I shouldn't be wishing away Monday to Friday week in week out and pinning all my hopes on the lottery - this is no way to live! So please, just keep reading - it may entertain you and you may be in the same boat as me. All I want is ideas and a bit of guidance - not charity (although, any funds from someone kind and wealthy will be accepted!).


To carry on, as time goes on I find myself still fed up and clueless as to what I want in life. Is this normal? Am I the only one that wakes up (sometimes wondering if it would have been better if I died in my sleep) everyday doing the same old thing just to scrape through to the weekend so I can go and get drunk and forget that Monday is just round the corner - again!? Surely not!


Let me give you a quick bit about me. I am male (just about), 26 years old and my hair is falling out so now I look 50!- the hair loss started when I got a full time job!

Below is a quick list of things I like...

-Sport (Football, Ice Hockey)



-Web Design

-Toy Collecting

-Guitar playing




-Fighting Rosacea

Above are a few things I have a passion for and an interest in. I have given them all a go, too.

Still playing football after all these years and I wouldn't say I have improved much over time. Given ice hockey a fair whack with limited success. Built a couple of web sites in a desperate attempt to make money from and run my own business, but that never really worked out - ( and ).

Been playing guitar for over ten years but never done anything with it. Fighting Rosacea is a constant battle I have with a horrible blushing of the skin - read more about it @

So there you have it. That gives you a quick glimpse as to who I am and what I enjoy.

Now, I believe I have a good amount of hobbies to keep me entertained and I enjoy them all, but that doesn't help me wth my original question, what do I want - from life that is?

You Can Help Me

I am looking for you (the public) to help me find what I want in life. Suggestions, ideas, things you have done in life, jobs that you have enjoyed and made money from, things that make you happy - anything!

Please, if you think in anyway you can help me then please send me an email to (

Thank you.

**Please note I would rather you didn't spam me but I am past caring so you do what you feel best**

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At 29 March 2010 at 15:14 , Blogger Sean William Gerard Cooley said...

Hey man, noticed your into toys, why dont you get a camera and start some sort fo stop-motion video series on youtube, kind of a comedy, with dubbed voices over your g.i. joes, maybe even write the intro to it using your guitar?


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